This is the commitments the game server has made to a particular seed
CREATE TABLE commitments(
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v7(), -- as a uuidv7 this encodes the time it was created
commitment bytea NOT NULL, -- what the game server is commiting to
context bytea NOT NULL, -- The protocol buffers encoded metadata. See:
vx_pubkey bytea NOT NULL DEFAULT bls_pubkey_set_by_vx()
CREATE INDEX commitments_commitment_idx ON commitments(commitment, id);
or vx_pubkey
. Let us do that for you. You would typically insert with something like: INSERT INTO commitments(commitment, context) VALUES($1, $2) RETURNING id, vx_pubkey
to insert and retrieve what you need in one queryThe real work horse. This is either bets, games or sub-bets
CREATE TABLE messages(
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v7(), -- as a uuidv7 this encodes the time it was created
commitment bytea NOT NULL, -- should reference commitments.commitment (but isn't enforced)
message bytea NOT NULL, -- the message that is being signed
index bigint NOT NULL, -- this is basically a nonce, but it can be reused if the sub_index gets incrementd
sub_index int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- (index, sub_index) form a nonce and should be unique
context bytea NOT NULL, -- protocol buffers encoded metadata. See:
vx_signature bytea NOT NULL DEFAULT bls_signature_set_by_vx() -- the result of vx signing "message" with the corresponding "commitments.vx_pubkey"
CREATE INDEX messages_commitment_idx ON messages(commitment, id);
CREATE INDEX messages_commitment_index_idx ON messages(commitment, index);
or vx_signature
. Let us do that for you. You would typically insert with something like: INSERT INTO messages(commitment, message, index, context) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING id, vx_signature
to insert and retrieve what you need in one queryAfter the game server wants to reveal what it committed to
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v7(), -- as a uuidv7 this encodes the time it was created
commitment bytea NOT NULL, -- should reference commitments (but not enforced)
reveal bytea NOT NULL, -- what is being revealed
context bytea NOT NULL, -- protocol buffer metadata. See:
vx_private_key bytea NOT NULL DEFAULT bls_private_key_set_by_vx()-- the private key vx used to sign messages
CREATE INDEX reveals_commitment_idx ON reveals(commitment, id);
or vx_private_key
. Let us do that for you. You would typically insert with something like: INSERT INTO reveals(commitment, reveal, context) VALUES($1, $2, $3) RETURNING id, vx_private_key
to insert and retrieve what you need in one queryIt can be a bit of a pain to query binary data, so here's some handy pre-made views to help explore the data. This is just for debugging, don't rely on it. It may change or be removed at any time.
CREATE VIEW commitments_view AS (
encode(commitment, 'hex') AS commitment_hex,
encode(vx_pubkey, 'hex') AS vx_pubkey_hex,
uuid_v7_to_timestamptz(id) as created,
FROM commitments
CREATE VIEW messages_view AS (
encode(commitment, 'hex') as commitment_hex,
encode(message, 'hex') as message_hex,
encode(vx_signature, 'hex') as vx_signature_hex,
uuid_v7_to_timestamptz(id) as created,
FROM messages
CREATE VIEW reveals_view AS (
encode(commitment, 'hex') AS commitment_hex,
encode(reveal, 'hex') AS reveal_hex,
uuid_v7_to_timestamptz(id) as created,
FROM reveals
This can only be accessed by the "writer" user account. The reader will get permission denied attempting this.Note: This is now obselete. Simply insert into the tables.
This function appends a new row to the `commitments` table and returns the resultant row (with the vx_pubkey you will need)
CREATE FUNCTION make_commitment(_commitment BYTEA, _context BYTEA) RETURNS commitments
This function appends a new row to the `messages` table and returns the resultant row (with the vx_signature you will need)
CREATE FUNCTION make_message(_commitment BYTEA, _message BYTEA, _index bigint, _context bytea) RETURNS messages
This function appends a new row to the `reveals` table and returns the reveal'd row
CREATE FUNCTION make_reveal(_commitment BYTEA, _reveal BYTEA, _context BYTEA) RETURNS reveals